8kW Solar Set Packages
Our 8kW solar set packages are tailored to meet the energy needs of larger properties and include a single, high-quality inverter from a trusted brand to ensure maximum efficiency.
8kW Sungrow Inverter Set Package
Net Total (GST Included): $15,268.68
This information is important to consider and provide to your installer.
Installation to ASNZS 5033 + COC + ROI + Meter Change by client
Exclusion & Tags:
Does not include meter for zero export
DOES NOT INCLUDE SUNDRIES such as AC or DC cable/conduit, Saddles, Screws, Plastic cable ties, glue, sealant, TPS, Glands, etc
Mounting to roof of building to be supplied by installer (kitsets assume tin roof)
Supply is 1-phase
20m maximum distance from Solar array to inverter
Performance estimate and all documentation to be done by Installer
Voltage rise and drop calculations are done by Installer
First-fix (Panels & Cable) is done while Edge Protection/Scaffold is still in place
Mounting kit is for standard wind zone, <15deg pitch, single storey domestic roof
Installation is done only by suitably experienced qualified & electrician
Roof is facing North (array can be split East & West if necessary)
Inverter is installed adjacent (<3m) switchboard unobstructed
Customer to connect inverters to Router for monitoring (Ethernet recommended)